Hello my name is Pablo, thank you for visiting.
I’d like to first take this opportunity to thank our truly amazing customers, who have been unbelievably supportive over the years.
I am especially thankful for the enormous enthusiasm members of the US Armed Forces in Japan (and outside of Japan) have shown for Unique Japan. To Japanese sword collectors across the world, thank you. Without all your support and passion we would not be where we are today.
Arigato gozaimasu!
From Rosemere to Japan
I grew up in small town called Rosemere, near Montreal, Canada. In 1993, shortly after graduating from the University of Western Ontario, I moved to Tokyo.
Ask anyone who has lived in Japan for any extent of time, the story is one with a full spectrum of emotional experiences. Outrageous, funny, frustrating, amazing, tough, intoxicating, humbling, stressful, addictive, the list goes on and on…
In short, there is no place on earth quite like Japan.
I’ve always had a great admiration for history and those who make great things with their hands. True artisans, in every sense of the word. Well, I can honestly say that craftspeople in Japan take the cake for their discipline and relentless pursuit of perfection. It’s simply in their DNA. And history has proven this fact century after century.
Unique Japan Launch, June 2006
With the help of my wife, Donna Canning (who I met in Japan incidentally) and the team at Marchforth, we set out to build Unique Japan to be a trusted source for the finest crafts from Japan, and deliver to the world. This was no easy task, but build it we did, and we went live with Unique Japan in June 2006.
Almost 16 years ago…wow, it feels like yesterday.
Unique Japan is a place for quality and beauty and history that you can feel forever. I know other brands may make similar claims, but this is really different.
When you pick up a handcrafted product from Japan that literally has centuries of passion and dedication embedded into it, it feels different. It has a spirit, a soul.
Steel, Swords and Souls
To say the least I am very passionate about antique Samurai swords. For me, and for many that own an antique Samurai sword, it embodies the true soul of Japan and it’s culture. You can just feel the history in every piece.
I am a proud member of both the
NBTHK (Society for the Preservation of the Japan Art Sword) and the
NTHK-NPO (Society for the Preservation of the Japanese Sword). I adore meeting people with a shared enthusiasm for all that makes Japan so unique.
Above: That’s me in my favorite
Jinbei presenting an information session on Japanese swords at the
CLSA Japan Forum 9 (Hyatt Hotel, Roppongi)
My love and appreciation of the Japanese sword naturally transcends to our incredible
kitchen knives,
Ikebana floral art creations,
Daruma dolls and other wonderful pieces that we have the privilege of offering to our customers. Japan is my second home, and I will only carry products that I believe in with complete confidence.
All I can say here, from the bottom of my heart, is that every meaningful piece at Unique Japan is for real. Real in every sense of the word. Real people, real history, real quality, real beauty. I personally stand behind everything we offer in our collection.
Above: I’ve had the privilege of appearing on Discovery Channel’s newest TV series called “Dealers”. I was on showcasing two Samurai swords to five real life Dealers from around the world. Show aired on April 30th, 2012 on Discovery Channel UK. Click image to watch the video clip, an intense negotiation (and there was more to the deal than shown on TV!)
Above: In early 2014 I was approached by NHK Enterprises in Japan to take part in a
50-minute documentary on the fine art of Japanese sword polishing. A craft that truly deserves greater appreciation. I met renowned sword polisher Sasaki-sensei and his skilled apprentices, specifically Yuichi-san who worked hard on a beautiful Yasusada wakizashi that I submitted for polishing. The documentary was aired online globally on Sunday August 24th, 2014.
Above: Kieron Monks interviewed me for an article on CNN Style entitled ”
Hunting for the Soul of the Samurai “. I’m happy to say the article made the front page of CNN.com for day. Published: July 15, 2015.
Tokyo and UK Offices
Donna and I now live near London with our three children Hannah, Lennon and baby Nelson after spending nearly 20 years in Japan. This move now makes it even more possible to share Unique Japan with an audience outside of Japan, especially here in England and in Europe.
I am still travelling back and forth to Japan a number of times per year on sword buying trips, sales events and private meetings with VIP clients. If you ever want to reach any of us, simply use our
contact form here.
Thank you for visiting Unique Japan. I look forward to meeting you in person one day.
Warm regards,

Pablo Kuntz
Founder, Unique Japan
Sister website:
We Love DarumaMake your goals a reality with Japan’s motivational Daruma doll. Keep an eye on your dreams!