Genmaicha & Sencha Tea Gift Pack Twin canister set

Genmaicha & Sencha Tea Gift Pack Twin canister set
Green tea is made exclusively with the Camellia sinensis leaves which have gone through minimal oxidation during processing. Originating from China and used as medicine for at least 4,000 years, it has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Due to the differences in growing conditions, processing and harvesting time, there are now many varieties of green tea in these countries.
Effects/Advantages of Green Tea

The secret of green tea lies in the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols, in particular EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate, a potent anti-oxidant. Because of this, green tea has been credited with providing a host of health benefits which are effective in fighting various diseases.

  1. Slows down the ageing process

    By preventing the degradation of cell membranes, enzymes in green tea neutralizes the speed of free radicals which occur during the oxidation process.

  2. Protects from food poisoning

    The astringent properties of the green tea are anti-bacterial in nature and aids in sterilization, therefore preventing food poisoning.

  3. Prevents against cancer

    Scientific studies have shown that ingredients such as catechin in green tea help in the prevention and treatment of cancer. On top of checking the growth of cancer cells, it also destroys them without harming healthy tissue.

  4. Protects against cavity and halitosis

    The fluoride in toothpaste works hand in hand with the catechin in green tea to prevent cavity. In fact, the flavonoids in tea aids in preventing bad odour in the mouth. This is a great alternative to chewing gum!

  5. Aids in naturally beautiful skin

    Due to its health-giving properties (100g of green tea contains as much as 250mg of vitamin C), many skin and beauty preparations containing green tea have appeared on the market, ranging from deodorants, creams, lotions and even shampoo.

  6. Improves memory & concentration

    Research has shown that green tea inhibit the activity of enzymes associated with the growth of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It also suggests that tea could even boost the memory of everyday drinkers.

  7. Checks against high blood pressure

    Effective in lowering LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels, the EGCG in green tea also prevents against the abnormal formation of blood clots, or thrombosis. Consequentially, blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, or heart failure can be kept in check as well.

Backed by scientific evidence and personal testimonies in both Asia and the west, the list of benefits of the humble green tea never seems to end. Furthermore, Japanese researchers claim that drinking five cups of green tea daily can burn up to 80 calories. Other than that, even though approximately ¾ of Japanese men are smokers, they have a relatively low rate of heart disease.
However, please also note that the effects of green tea vary from individual to individual, and a healthy eating habit should be coupled with regular exercise and positive thinking as well. Perhaps by emulating the Japanese habit of regular tea drinking, your health will actually improve in the long term.

Sencha (broiled tea)

Being the most popular variety in Japan, this comes from the first and second flush of green tea. It is made of leaves that are exposed to direct sunlight. The first flush is also called shincha (new tea).
Genmaicha (brown-rice tea)

This is a blend of bancha (sometimes sencha ) and roasted brown rice. For a more attractive colour, genmaicha is sometimes mixed with a small amount of macha (rubbed tea).