Fujiwara Tomotsune (Katana)

This sword was sold at the Yokota Fall Bazaar (October 16/17, 2010)
Musashi No Kami Fujiwara Tomotsune 武蔵野守藤原友常
Mid-Edo Period (about 1660)
Beautifully produced lacquer saya (scabbord), wooden stand, maintenance kit, sword is certified as a Conservation Sword by the All Japan Swordsmith Association
Tomotsune was from Mino, which is now in Gifu prefecture. He was a recognized Wazamono (Good Swordsmith). The gorgeous sharpened Choji style (clove) Hamon reflects the Mino design style “Sanbonsugi”, which translates to mean 3 cedars. Notice the dips and peaks that form the cedar trees.
The blade’s curvature is well-balanced and graceful. The kissaki is medium sized and the saki-haba (width of blade at the top) is quite narrow when compared to the moto-haba (width at bottom). This is shape is synonymous with this time period.
The Koshirae is painted by lacquer in variety of advanced methods at the time and its handle is covered with black lacquer painted sharkskin. This handle design was popular in around the end of Edo Period. This sword is a great package, and a fine piece of legendary sharpness.